lunes, 18 de agosto de 2008

Sociologists without Borders International. By-Laws

1.     The Association will be founded on agreement and signature of Judith Blau, from SSF USA, Isabella Paoletti, from SSF Italy, Paulo Martins, from SSF Brasil, Linda Deuschman, from SSF Canada, Karina Rodriguez ,from SSF Chile  Ali Tayefi, from SSF Iran and Alberto Moncada, from SSF Spain

2.     The first act of this founding group will be to elect a President.

3.     The President will then appoint a Chair of the Council. The Council will consist of  all the founders plus twenty more people who are active members of chapters.

4.     In consultation with the founders, the President will provide guidelines about the number of people who will be selected or elected to serve on the Council from each country. 

5.     The national chapters of SSF will be invited to join SSF-I as collective members

6.     The President will appoint a small group, the Executive Council, who will serve in an advisory capacity to the President.

7.     The President, the Chair of the Council, and Council Members will identify ways

to advance and coordinate international activities – collective conferences, research,  fellowships. 

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