domingo, 13 de julio de 2014

ISA Award for Excellence in Research and Practice 2014

Immanuel Wallerstein recognised as the first recipient of ISA Award for Excellence in Research and Practice// Immanuel Wallerstein galardonado con el Premio por la Excelencia Investigadora por la ISA

martes, 8 de julio de 2014

XVIII ISA World Congress live stream// Sesiones en directo del XVIII Congreso de ISA

The ISA is conducting an experiment to bring at least part of the XVIII World Congress of Sociology to those unable to come to Yokohama, Japan.
ISA pondrá a disposición de l@s interesad@s un canal en streaming en el que se podrá asistir en directo a algunas de las sesiones.

We are going to live stream/ Estas son las sesiones en streaming:
  • The Opening Ceremony / Ceremonia de inauguración
  • July 13, 17.30 to 19.30 Tokyo time (13 de julio, 17.30 a 19.30, hora de Tokyo) 
  • The two Presidential Panels/ Las dos ponencias presidenciales
  • Presidential Plenary I
  • July 14, 8.30-10.20 Tokyo time (14 julio, 8.30 a 10.20, hora de Tokyo)
  • Presidential Plenary II
  • July 18, 14.00-15.20 Tokyo time (18 de julio, 14.00 a 15.20, hora de Tokyo)

Details can be found on the ISA Congress website/ Más detalles en la web de ISA:
Streaming channel/ canal en directo:

viernes, 4 de julio de 2014

ISA NEWS. Isagram issue 120. july 2014/ Noticias ISA. Julio 2014

ISA NEWS. Isagram issue 119. june 2014/ Noticias ISA

Technology Assessment: A Stable
Solution or Only Relevant Under Pressure?
Japan Science and Technology Agency
Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society
Tokyo, Japan
July 11, 2014
Exploring Blind Spots 
27th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association
Lund, Sweden
August 14-16, 2014
pdf file Law and Values in Contemporary Society 
Albanian Sociological Association
Tirana, Albania
November 21-22, 2014
Abstracts: September 10, 2014

Professor in Sociology 
Department of Sociology
Macquarie University, Australia
Applications: August 3, 2014
Executive Director 
International Council for Science
Paris, France
Applications: August 11, 2014
Head of Science Programmes 
International Council for Science
Paris, France
Applications: August 11, 2014
pdf file Full-time Tenure-Stream Assistant
Professor in Social Policy

Department of Sociology
University of Toronto, Canada
Applications: September 3, 2014