martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year/ Felices Fiestas y Feliz Año Nuevo!

Call for Papers/ Recepción de Comunicaciones

Special Issue on “Social Science without Borders: Looking Back, Looking Forward”

The editors of Societies Without Borders: Human Rights and the Social Sciences (SWB)—a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-source electronic journal devoted to cutting-edge research on human rights and public goods—invite authors to submit manuscripts for a special issue on “Social Science without Borders: Looking Back, Looking Forward.”

The special issue seeks papers, commentaries, notes from the field, as well as poetic, visual, and other expressions devoted to critically commemorating 2012, when Sociologos Sin Fronteras/Sociologists Without Borders (SSF) enters its second decade of work with scholars, students, activists, and community members in SSF chapters around the world.

Número especial revista electrónica "Social Science without Borders: Looking Back, Looking Forwar" ("Ciencia Social sin Fronteras: Mirando hacia atrás, mirando hacia adelante").

Los editores de la revista electrónica
Societies Without Borders: Human Rights and the Social Sciences (SWB)-nos invitan a enviar manuscritos para un número especial sobre Social Science without Borders: Looking Back, Looking Forwar".

El número especial trata de documentos, comentarios, notas de campo, así como la poética, visual y otras expresiones dedicado a la crítica que conmemora el año 2012, cuando Sociólogos Sin Fronteras /
Sociologists Without Borders (SSF), inicia su segunda década de trabajo con académicos, estudiantes , activistas y miembros de la comunidad en los capítulos SSF en todo el mundo.
Para más información, info.

Societies Without Borders Human Rights and the Social Sciences Volume 6, Issue 3. Nuevo post de la revista electrónica.

Societies Without Borders

Human Rights and the Social Sciences

Volume 6, Issue 3

Edited by David L. Brunsma, Keri E. Iyall Smith, and Mark Frezzo

Book Review Editor, Tugrul Keskin

Editorial Assistant, Brian Gresham



Understanding and Eliminating Discrimination Against Blacks


Patient Navigation through the Justice System: A Response to the High Infant Mortality Rate in One Community


Military Neoliberalism: Endless War and Humanitarian Crisis in the Twenty-First Century


The Male Neonatal Circumcision Debate: Social Movements,Sexual Citizenship, and Human Rights

Notes From the Field

The Body of the Goddess: Women’s Trans-national and Cross-religion Eco-Spiritual Activism



Faces of Oppression

List of Reviewers

lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Derechos Humanos en los Paises Árabes/ HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE ARAB WORLD

Los acontecimientos que se producen en los países árabes son síntoma de varias circunstancias. Por una parte, de la juventud de la población. Seis de cada diez tiene menos de treinta años. Son jóvenes que no se conforman con su situación de desempleo y no quieren emigrar. Están familiarizados con los nuevos modos de comunicación y sus ideas se propagan rápidamente. Protestan y están dispuestos incluso a perder la vida.Las dictaduras de la zona, protegidas por Occidente en razón principal a nuestro consumo de petróleo, están perdiendo legitimación social y existe una aspiración general por los derechos humanos que SSFI celebra.

What is happening in the Arab countries are a symptom of various circumstances, the main one being the age of their population. Six out of ten have less than thirty years. They are young people who are not satisfied with their situation of unemployment and not want to emigrate. They are familiar with the new modes of communication and their ideas spread quickly. Protest and are even willing to lose his life.
Dictatorships in the area, protected by the West main reason our oil consumption, are losing social standing and there is a general desire for human rights SSFI celebrated.

Societes without Borders Vol.5 number 2

Welcome to Volume 5, Number 2 of Societies Without Borders: Human Rights and the Social Sciences.
Human Rights and the Social Sciences
Volume 5, Issue 2

Edited by David L. Brunsma, Keri Iyall Smith, and Mark Frezzo Book Review Editor, Tugrul Keskin Editorial Assistant, John Pruitt

Bienvenidos al Volumen 5, nº2 de la revista electrónica de Societes Without Borders:
Human Rights and the Social Sciences.

lunes, 10 de enero de 2011

Encuentro internacional de Sociólogos sin fronteras/ first international meeting of Sociologists without Borders

"El Congreso de ASA que iba a celebrarse en Chicago, va a tener lugar del 20 al 23 de Agosto en Las Vegas. Por esa razón, y otras conexas, se suspende el primer Congreso International de Sociólogos sin fronteras hasta nuevo aviso".
Para más información:

The ASA Congress that was going to be in Chicago will take place from 20 to 23 August in Las Vegas. For that reason, and other issues, will be suspended the first International Congress of Sociologists without borders until further notice "
More info at:

Sección Americana SSF/American branch of Sociologist without Borders

La sección americana de Sociólogos sin Fronteras está de celebración puesto que han alcanzado los 1400 miembros. Dese nuestro blog felicitamos a su presidenta, Judith Blau y os animamos a visitar la página web y su Think tank, una plataforma global para la reflexión y el debate.

The American branch of Sociologists Without Borders is celebrating that they have reached 1400 members. From our blog, we want to congratulate the president, Judith Blau and all the members. Also we encourage you to visit the website and the think tank, a global platform for reflection and discussion.