martes, 13 de noviembre de 2007

An Global day for Without Borders!

Dear Without Borders!
Now days, in the age of globalization in which there are not any borders for new empires and global movement of capitalists, we all people in the every fields of humanist actions need to solidarity without borders. Now in front of the globalization, have appeared many NGOs by globalized concerns such as SSF, and any other Without Borders in below. I want to suggest just a draft: Can we all Without Borders colleagues determine an global day for us as title "Without Borders´ Day”?! Can we regulate and do some virtual actions in solidarity with each other? This is an internal convention in which we all W.B.ers can symbolize a global protest on the two dimension: defend of our rights and resistance against unwanted globalization. let me know your ideas.
Words Without Borders
Justice Without Borders
Doctors Without Borders
Women Without Borders
Schools Without Borders
Builders Without Borders
Mothers Without Borders
Lawyers Without Borders
Reporters Without Borders
Teachers Without Borders
Librarians Without Borders
Education Without Borders
Grantmakers Without Borders
Human Rights Without borders
Engeeners Without Borders
Architectures Without Borders
Voices Without Borders
Sisters W:B
Children W.B.
Schools W.B.
Technology W.B.
Friends W.B.

By best regards
Ali Tayefi

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2007


12 a 16 de noviembre. En el Seminario Internacional de Sociología Crítica organizado por la Universidad de Valencia ha participado Alberto Moncada, dirigiendo un coloquio sobre Sociología y Derechos Humanos el miércoles 14 de Noviembre.
Esta actividad forma parte del programa de SSF Internacional.

13 al 15 de setiembre. En el Congreso de la FES celebrado en Barcelona, SSFI presentó la trilogía de libros sobre Derechos Humanos escrita por Judith Blau y Alberto Moncada. Asistieron al acto, con Alberto Moncada, Isabella Paoletti y Juan Olivas, miembros del Comité ejecutivo de SSFI. Los libros están publicados por la editorial Rowman&Littlefield.

24 y 25 de Mayo. Oñati. En el Instituto Internacional de Sociología del Derecho que ISA tiene en Oñati se celebró un congreso sobre Sociología de Derechos Humanos, al que asistieron Judith Blau, presidenta de la Asamblea de SSF Internacional y Alberto Moncada, Presidente del Comité ejecutivo.